Miopia la politicienii romani

Miopia este un defect al vederii care se manifestă prin imposibilitatea de a distinge clar obiectele situate la o distanță mai mare”

   Printre lucrurile pozitive ale perioadei comuniste din Romania era si „planul cincinal” Se stabileau niste obiective pe termen mediu si se incepea lucrul la ele. Indiferent ca era vorba despre un combinat de celuloza si hartie, de o fabrica de ciment sau de o noua cale ferata pe linie politica se luau masurile necesare pentru ca in timpul impus sa se termine constructia si sa se dea in exploatare. Doar prin cresterea capacitatilor de productie se puteau atinge cifrele uneori aiuritoare trecute in planificarea de la centru. Nu trebuiesc uitate nici problemele care apareau cu raportari „ajustate din pix”, cu conditiile grele in care lucrau muncitorii (va mai amintiti de coloniile muncitoresti?), cu calitatea uneori precara a materialelor si utilajelor, cu „ala mic de la partid’ de se baga in toate si lista poate continua.

  Sa revenim in schimb la zilele noastre si sa presupunem ca X, Y si Z vor sa devina „parlamentar independent”. Sa presupunem si ca are o oarecare notorietate in satul/orasul/judetul natal. Incep sa apara cheltuielile cu campania electorala si nu sunt putine: mai un concert, salariul la staff-ul de campanie, afise, pliante, deplasari la intalniri cu alegatorii, niste donatii la aia nevoiasi, niste galeti, geci, zahar etc. Suma care se strange la final este consistenta. La astea se adauga promisiunile care vor trebui (teoretic) respectate in caz ca este ales si pentru care trebuie data o masa, o maslina la cine trebuie: niste bani la bugetul local pentru drumuri, mai o reparatie la scoala, etc.  Nimeni nu intreaba ce pierdere financiara au Y si Z care au pierdut alegerile dat fiindca toti trei si-au asumat posibilitatea de a pierde banii. Odata ajuns X in parlament se orienteaza pentru recuperarea investitiei de la alegeri si respectarea promisiunilor (teoretic). Apar banii pentru cabinetul senatorial, angajarile de „asistenti”=nevasta, copii, fini, etc la fel cum apar absentele la sedintele din plen, schimburile de experienta in Burkina Fasco, Malaezia si Argentina. Chiar nu conteaza despre ce era vorba in schimburile astea de experienta, doar e vorba de o excursie pe gratis pentru revenirea dupa stresul din alegeri.

 Avem deasemenea varianta cu alegerea pe lista de partid. Si aici intervin cheltuieli dar defalcate pe tot parcursul anilor de activitate. Incepand de la hartie pentru fluturasi, timp pentru intalniri la partid, cotizatie (dupa nivelul dorit), donatii si pana la invarteala interna (o masa, o maslina la sefu’ de la judet). Aici avem in schimb varianta compensatorie in caz de pierderea alegerilor locale: o descentralizata, mai un post in administratie, mai o numire de consilier, etc daca partidul performeaza bine la nivel national.  De acolo se obtine recuperarea investitiei fara a tine cont de consecinte : capusari de firme detinute de stat/SA/regii autonome, deoarece spatele e tinut de partid. In  concluzie: cei alesi au ca prioritate recuperarea banilor investiti in alegeri, apoi o acumulare de capital pentru urmatoarele alegeri. O alta categorie este a celor care folosesc imunitatea parlamentara pentru a se pune la adapost de lege. Averi stranse in cativa ani in Romania de o persoana care depasesc cele stranse de cateva generatii in Germania nu sunt raritati. Masinile care sunt in parcarile din timpul conventiilor partidelor lamuresc multe.

Nu am vazut proiecte de tara pentru o generatie, nu am vazut dezbateri serioase cu puncte dezbatute individual pe proiecte economice de dezvoltare a regiunilor, nu am vazut o strategie acceptata de toate partidele care sa reziste unei schimbari de guvern. Nu am vazut partid care sa mearga pana in panzele albe pentru ceva pozitiv pentru Romania. PDL a mers acceptabil `pana la momentul in care a fost arestat Apostol (fostul primar al Clujului). Apoi au facut masa comuna pentru blocarea justitiei urmand sa dispara de pe scena politica intr-un termen mediu. PSD isi protejeaza primarii penali cu toata conducerea in frunte, PNL are in frunte un muzeograf extraordinar in datul din gura fara alte realizari profesionale. Nici unul dintre oamenii politici actuali nu se poate lauda cu o viziune macar pe termen mediu. Apreciez la presedintele actual ca e consecvent in legatura cu NATO si UE.

Pilotii nostrii inca zboara

In cele doua filmulete se vad cum se antreneaza pilotii pe care (inca) ii mai avem

Noroc chior

Cand ploua merg la piscina..BTR 82

Nici 9 mm nu e ce a fost

Fostul premier al Romaniei Adrian Nastase a decis sa-si puna capat zilelor. A ales un revolver de 9 mm cu care s-a impuscat in gat. Se pare ca a intervenit un politist si astfel rezultatul nu a fost cel dorit.

Oricum pun si eu o intrebare intrebatoare:

– cum e posibil sa te impusti cu un revolver de 9 mm si sa scapi asa usor?

Altii insa pun intrebari mult mai pertinente:

conform declaratiilor si a schemelor prezentate pana acum (nici o fotografie, radiografie, nimic), glontul angajat pe o traiectorie ascendenta, de la stanga la dreapta, « a ricosat » de cartilagiul tiroidian (marul lui Adam, in limbaj profan), indreptansu-se spre clavicula, de unde a mai ricosat inca o data, provocand rana de iesire. Acum, nu sunt medic legist, nu am vaste cunostinte balistice, dar sunt printre altele si medic si am facut armata : ingaduiti-mi sa ridic din sprancene cand un glont de Smith & Weston, indiferent de calibru, « ricoseaza » de marul lui Adam in loc sa-l spulbere si-si schimba directia cu aproape 90 de grade.”


Submarinele romanesti in al doilea razboi mondial

„NMS-Delfinul este o legenda vie despre adevaratii barbati ce au servit in Marina Regala in cel de-al doilea razboi mondial la Marea Neagra. Romania a fost invingatoare in ciuda faptului ca a fost tratata de aliatii sovietici ca fiind invinsa. Acest film a fost facutin cinstea tutror ce au servit tara in ww2 si in mod special ultimului supravietutor din echipajul Delfinului in varsta de 92 de ani.”

1913 Romania in the Second Balkan War (Balkan Wars) – Pathé film – fragment

„Film produced by Pathé, romanian film operator Ion Voinescu, in the summer of the year 1913.
The cinematographic document was produced in the Second Balkan War in the summer (probably in july) of 1913, during the military campaign of Romania against Bulgaria.
In this war there were no fights between the romanian and the bulgarian army.
The romanian army invaded Bulgaria from three directions, advance quickly up to 8 km from Sofia where the army was stoped by king Carol I to avoid the completet humiliation of bulgarians (the main army corp stationed in Orhanie-Botevgrad and Plevna-Pleven) without any resistance, forcing the bulgarian goverment to ask for peace. This military action ended the Second Balkan War and the peace was signed on 28 of july (or 10 august after adopting the gregorian calendar in Romania on 1 of april 1919) in Bucharest (the Treaty of Bucharest 1913).
The romanian army suffered about 1600 cholera casualties (deaths). This was the opportunity for developing and implementing the anticholeric mass vacination by profesor doctor Ion Canatacuzino. The romanian soldiers were vaccinated in Bulgaria limiting the number of human losses (in the medical literature – the great romanian experience). Some of the romanian soldiers were burried in Bulgaria and many of their graves were destroid during the Great War (first world war).
The military campaign was initiated by the romanian government and the romanian king Carol I to defeat Bulgaria, to end the Second Balkan War and to gain for Romania (the city of Silistra was taken in mai 1913) the territory situated in the south of Dobrogea on the line Turtucaia-Tutrakan to Ecrene-Ekrene), a problem unsolved (from the romanian point of view) at San Stefano and at Berlin Conference in 1878.
The film is made in Dobrogea in the zone of Caraomer (Negru Voda) and Dobrici (Bazargic) as is written in the film (the main operational direction of the 5-th romanian army).
The principal themes in disscusion are: the back front activities, the military operations and the cinematographic techniques.
In the first part of the film is presented the company of captain Hristodulo riding on bicycles (Steyr? bicycles), armed with Steyr-Mannlicher 1893/1895 rifles. Using bicycles increasd speed and range for infantry (up to 100 km per day).
Second filming shows the baking of breads in Caraomer (Negru Voda in Dobrogea). We can see the „new ” ovens, five of them, and the personnel (civilians and military). In a scene we can see also an sanitary. The bread is prepared in wooden recipients and it is transported from that zone to the ovens.
Other images are from Dobrici where the artillery was stationed. We can see the camp, cavalry, an officer writing an note and handing it to an inferior to be transmitted. 
After that, in a few seconds we can see military at sea coast (probably Balcic) and muslim officials, romanian officers on board of an romanian ship.
Next images presents an cavalry corp with an flag.
After that an group of 8 officers, which includes general Ioan Culcer, the commander of the 5 romanian army in Dobrogea is presented. The officers are studying the plans on field. We see next cavalry and field artillery. The guns are Krupp model 1904, caliber 75 mm, 6 horses and 4 gunmen. 
As cinematographic techniques we can see the imobile camera technique but we see also moving arround the vertical axe of the camera, the ensamble view and the general view (the film operator was an profesional – in this case, from ANF source we know that the film operator was Ion Voinescu”

Militar american medaliat cu Emblema de Onoare a Armatei Romaniei

„Package of the Romanian Army bestowing an U.S. Army Soldier with the Honor Crest of the Romanian Armed Forces. Militar american din Afganistan medaliat cu Emblema de Onoare a Armatei Romaniei.
http://www.mapn.ro/armatatv/categoria11.php „

soldati americani la pas prin Romania

„U.S. Army Europe Soldiers with the 172nd Infantry Brigade’s 2nd Battalion, 28th Infantry Regiment, out of Grafenwoehr, Germany, trained in Romania as part of their rotation through Task Force East. The training served as an opportunity for the U.S. troops to brush up on their light infantry skills while fostering cooperative partnerships with their European partner forces. Provided by U.S. Army Europe.”

shit happens: foc in corturile romanilor

shit happens:
A list of religious versions:
Taoism Shit happens.
Confucianism Confucius say, „Shit happens.”
Buddhism If shit happens, it isn’t really shit.
Zen Buddhism What is the sound of shit happening?
Hinduism This shit happened before.
Mormonism This shit is going to happen again.
Islam If shit happens, it is the Will of Allah.
Stoicism This shit is its own reward.
Protestantism Let this shit happen to someone else.
Calvinism Shit happens because you don’t work hard enough.
Pentecostalism In Jesus’ name, heal this shit!
Catholicism Shit happens because you deserve it.
Judaism Why does this shit always happen to us?
Zoroastrianism Shit happens half the time.
Marxism This shit is going to hit the fan.
Atheism No shit.
Seventh Day Adventist No shit on Saturdays.
Existentialism Absurd shit.
Agnosticism What is this shit?
Nihilism Who gives a shit?
Deconstruction Shit happens in hegemonic meta-narratives.
Christian Science Shit is in your mind.
Moonies Only happy shit really happens.
Jehovah’s Witnesses Knock, Knock, shit happens.
Scientology Shit happens on page 152 of Dianetics by L. Ron Hubbard
Hare Krishna Shit happens, Rama Rama.
Hedonism There’s nothing like a good shit happening.
Rastafarianism Let’s smoke this shit.
A fictitious explanation of the origin of this phrase occurs in the 1994 movie Forrest Gump. During his capricious run, an enthusiastic fan running alongside him points out to Forrest that he has just stepped in a pile of dog feces. When Forrest replies, „It happens,” the fan replies, „What, shit?”, to which Forrest replies, „Sometimes”. The fan is then unwittingly inspired to create the „Shit Happens” bumper sticker.